
How to Manage Loneliness During the Holidays

For some people, the holidays are a time of togetherness. However, if you’ve recently lost a loved one or feel disconnected from friends and family, you might find you feel more lonely than normal. Here’s how to work through loneliness during the holidays. Would you like help managing loneliness during the holidays? Schedule a visit…

Beating Cabin Fever: 10 Mental Health Tips for Remote Workers in Winter

Winter often brings poor mental health, whether you have season affective disorder or generally feel blue. If you are a remote worker, you might be even more prone to feelings of depression or anxiety, especially if you spend a lot of time indoors or lack in-person contact. Here are 10 tips to help you improve…

Why Am I Anxious All the Time? What to Do When Your Anxiety Is Out of Control

Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the world. In fact, about 264 million people worldwide have anxiety disorders. However, if you’re feeling anxious all the time, you need more than statistics. You need some kind of strategy, and perhaps mental health help, to start feeling less anxious and more like yourself. Are…

What Happens When PTSD Is Left Untreated?

Do you have or suspect you have PTSD? If so, have you ever wondered what happens when PTSD is left untreated? What you need to know is that PTSD is a progressive disease. And while you might hope that it will go away with time, it actually gets worse the longer you wait to seek…

How Do I Stop Stressing About Money? Guide to Coping With Financial Anxiety

Money can often be the root cause of your stress. You may be worried about how you’ll be able to make upcoming payments or are unsure how the market will affect your state of living. This stress can affect many aspects of your life and make it difficult to focus on work or other priorities,…

Mind Racing? Here’s How Anxiety Affects Your Body

Anxiety is a normal response to stress. It’s a feeling of trepidation or fear of what is to come. We often experience these feelings at different moments in our life such as taking an exam, an upcoming job interview, becoming a parent, or any big life changes. This feeling is normal and can even be…

Fighting Violence and Racism: Dana Group Is Here To Help

If you’re struggling to cope with the recent events of violence and racism in our country, you’re not alone. Dana Group is mourning alongside the rest of the nation in light of several mass shootings that have taken place, including the recent Atlanta-area shooting that claimed the lives of eight victims, including six Asian American…

What Are the Common Signs of Stress? Fight or Flight Explained

Everyone experiences stress in their life — it plays an important psychological and biological reaction to a new, taxing, or dangerous situation. While most people wouldn’t complain if they never felt it again, there are some positive aspects. For example, stress is what allows you to escape or defend yourself from threats. It can also…

Am I Having a Panic Attack? How Anxiety Affects Your Body

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Whether preparing for an important work presentation, driving on a busy freeway, or trying to keep young children out of trouble, anxiety is completely normal. It helps keep us alert in potentially dangerous situations. However, intense or prolonged anxiety can cause some people to avoid certain activities and…