Positive Parenting

Parenting Adult Children: Navigating the Young Adult Years

Parenting doesn’t end when children turn 18. In fact, for many parents, this milestone marks the beginning of an entirely new chapter—one filled with unique challenges, unexpected joys, and a fundamental shift in the parent-child dynamic.  As our children transition into young adulthood, we too must evolve in our parenting approach, learning to balance our…

Positive Parenting: 10 Tips for Raising Mentally Strong Kids

Positive parenting and positive discipline focus on teaching good behavior in kids using a kind and firm approach. It’s a parenting principle that assumes children are born good and desire to do the right thing and need guidance on acting appropriately. It emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and a positive parent-child relationship.  This approach…

How Do You Know If Your Child Needs To See a Psychologist?

As a parent, you know your child is sure to run into some rough patches and behavioral problems as they go through different stages in their lives.  Just like adults, children often struggle to manage their emotions and can experience dips in their mental health. Major life changes, like divorce or a death in the…